Everything is gutted--replaced with a sorry imitation. Country music so often substitutes petty sentimentality for the strong, rolling emotions. Certain older songs like The Thunder Rolls (Garth Brooks) or The Night the Lights went out in Georgia (Vicki Lawrence, Reba McEntire arguably better) give a real punch. Anyone in country still write songs like that?

Problem is that we're spiritually diminished. Default promiscuity dilutes the sting of adultery, though not the impact, of course. Likewise, the judicial is so detached in the big cities, we can't grasp the idea of small town personal justice gone wrong without turning it into a caricature. We are entirely inward facing--seeing only ourselves.

If you're old enough, you'll remember the promise of a new America after 9/11. Happy anniversary! We were going to unite. Put our differences behind us. Crush those who seek to take our freedom! That's what Proud to be an American is about. People really believed it but it didn't take long before one political wing decided that the real threat to the country was anti-Muslim discrimination and the imminent Christian theocracy (lol). Of course, the War on Terror was ridiculous from the start. There was no vast Muslim conspiracy poised to bleed the nation with a thousand cuts.

"Where at least I know I'm free"

What does "free" mean, Mr. Greenwood? Opinions vary. If you pressed the people who listen to country music, they'd probably come up with something like "the vote" or "not having to tack the leader's portrait on my wall." The people people who ostentatiously dislike country music interpret "free" as "public celebration of sodomy." Trying to paper over a difference like that with sentimental descriptions of the landscape didn't work. Both ideas of freedom are incredibly stale. They barely mean anything.

I appreciate never having been compelled to put George Bush's portrait on my wall but that doesn't seem a right worth dying over. No one feels that way.

But no one wants to live this horrible spiritually impoverished life, so we're always larping the lost past. You can't be a monarchist. There's no monarchy. You can't be a patriot. There's no country. You can't be a brave antifa fighter in the resistance. There's no tyrant.

All the fakery gets tiresome.

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